IWSLT 2014

References of the progressive test sets

 For the language pairs:

  from English to French

  from English to German

  from German to English

  from English to Italian

the references of the progressive test set tst2013 are released here: by clicking the corresponding entry of the table below, an archive will be downloaded which contains the references.

Please note that for each optional pair of the MT track, the references were released during the evaluation period (see Evaluation sets for the MT track page), while for the Italian to English pair no progressive test set was proposed.

If you use this corpus in your work, please cite the paper:

M. Cettolo, C. Girardi, and M. Federico. 2012. WIT3: Web Inventory of Transcribed and Translated Talks. In Proc. of EAMT, pp. 261-268, Trento, Italy. pdf, bib.